You have come so far already!
I acknowledge you for your dedication and putting in the time and effort to create more inner peace for yourself and harmony in the home!
I’d love to hear what’s your biggest breakthrough so far? Hit reply and let me know
The last step of how to stop being triggered is about generating new solutions, being proactive and learning how to respond vs. react.
In this step you will learn
- How to evaluate what is working and what is not working
- How to focus on the things you can control - your sphere of influence
- How not to recycle the past by having a strong vision
- How not to recycle the past by having a strong vision
Episode 3: Homework
1. Look at your top 10 triggers that you created in step #1. Replace each negative emotion and belief with a new more constructive, expansive and effective emotion AND belief.
2. Come up with 3 adaptive responses to each trigger. Think about being empowering and how to create win-win situations.